As we approach the beginning of a new academic year, the Catholic Chaplaincy would like to wish Sr Maria Juan and Amber all the best as they begin a new stage in their lives. They have been so much the heart of the Catholic Chaplaincy and will be greatly missed.
Amber & Sr Maria Juan
Sr Maria Juan was that joyful Sister who breezed around the University, speaking to everyone and anyone. She had the most amazing gift of picking people up when they were down and getting things moving. She was always full of enthusiasm, joy and laughter - and was the most wonderful presence.
Amber has been studying Linguistics at the University as a postgrad, and took over from Sam as our Catholic Chaplaincy Intern. She made hospitality her gift, and ensured that the Catholic Flat was always the most welcoming place for all students. Amber was baptised and received into the Catholic Church just after Easter on a day of great joy.
Amber on the day of her Baptism.
Sr Maria Juan, who is part of the Sisters of Mercy Alma Province, is due to begin her studies in Philosophy at the Catholic University of America at Washington DC, and Amber has now returned to South Korea. We wish them both all our love and prayers.
Whilst it is good bye to Sr Maria Juan and to Amber, it is a joy to introduce Adhy as the new Catholic Chaplaincy Intern. Adhy is a postgraduate student, studying Film Studies, and he comes from Indonesia where his family still live. Many of you will know him from previous years. His greatest challenge will be to keep Amber's botanical garden alive in the Flat!